Wednesday, March 23, 2011

show some love!

Who would have thunk that linking up to Skip to My Lou would lead to- are you ready for this-over 80 visitors to my site in two days!  Two days people!  I have been at this blog thing since Jan 2010, have one follower and have only had about 10 hits on my site by people who have stumbled by because they were looking for something else on the web.  It is my fault for not being a better blogger and for not promoting my site but to be honest, I never really thought that anyone read it but my friend April.  I am totally stoked now!  As it turns out, I love the fact that so many people looked for a few seconds at my site.  I know that my site isn't anything big but now I totally feel cool.  My husband reassures me that I am still a weirdo and a nerd but I can't change that.

What I am trying to get at is share the love people!  Let me know that you are there!  I am greedy and totally bummed that 80 unique visitors looked at my site and not one comment to show me some love!  If I didn't have that tracker thingie on the side I would have never known you were there!  Toss me a bone and show me some love by leaving a comment and maybe I will post another cool craft thing that I have done.  In case you didn't know, I am crafty!

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Show me some love people!