Monday, January 10, 2011

I can't believe it has been sooooo loooong

I can't believe it has been so long since I have last posted.  I am sure my one follower is pissed because I used to make a habit of nagging her about updating her blog.

Anywho... I really don't have time to update now as it is time for a certain little man to go to bed.  He is exhausted after a snowday today!  Snowday in ATL, who would have figured?  Perhaps I will get back to you all (one) tomorrow during nap time (snowday part II) but for now, I wanted to leave you a link to my friend GardenLynn's give away on her blog.  She is giving away this fantastic set of Knit Picks 4" DPN's, sizes 0-4.  Now if you are not a knitter, this doesn't mean a hill of beans to you but if you are a knitter the jump on over and check out the giveaway.  She is a sweet gal who could use the support on her blog now.

I leave you with this video now... pure joy!
Peace out and I promise to update soon!