Today was an eye opener. Today was summer school orientation. This means that Maymester is over. Maymester was the time when I was going to catch up on old project and start new projects. So far, one sort of large project has been crossed off, one medium project is crossed off, and I have added one additional project. I am a bit sad to see Maymester ending, but I am excited to see my new students tomorrow. It is always nice to start a new semester with new tools, new relationships, and new fresh outlooks.
On the home front, LM is once again suffering (?) from a massive double ear infection that has moved into both of his eyes. I write the ? because this kid has to have a crazy high tolerance for pain. He had no fever, no tugging or pulling on ears and didn't show any discomfort at all. The only sign we saw at home was some sneezing and coughing... you know, like a COLD!!! Since we didn't catch it in time, we totally feel like horrible parents. LM goes for his 15 month check up next week and at that point, we are going to push to see and ENT. I am concerned because he is beginning to try and talk now (hilarious to see those wheels turning as he tries to form the words) and I don't want this critical developmental step to be hindered. Big teacher thing here I know :)
On another note, I leave you with my favorite picture of my Mom and LM.