Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of School and 5th grade Chorus

The kids here in GA are finishing up their school year.  Although where I grew up, we went to school until the end of June, I am still teased by memories of the end of school year joy.  I attended Elementary School until 6th grade and then it was off to a Jr. High School.  In Elementary School, we always looked forward to the 5th grade chorus.  It seems like some schools still have the tradition.  Check out this 5th grade chorus and their version of Landslide.

  If I had a chorus, I would totally make them sing this song.
And can you believe it... they sing the CURE also!!!  I so want to be in chorus!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This is what we have been doing!  The little man and I flew "up North" as they say down here to visit family from both sides.  We had a blast! 

LM did a GREAT job on the plane.  Such a good job that when we landed, people around us commented that they didn't know there was a baby sitting near them!  I was a bit nervous flying by myself with all of junk you need to take for a small child- stroller, car seat, diaper bag, and a 29lb child but we managed to do it.  As I predicted, the most painful part was getting the diaper bag, LM (who refused to walk) and the car seat down that ramp to the actual plane....pure hell.

Our time "up North" was so much fun!  LM got along great with all of his cousins, aunts and uncles and other Grandma.  It was full of meeting new play friends, playing with many LARGE dogs, exploring new play areas, feeling the cold again, and seeing tons of new and exciting things. 

Yesterday was back to the grindstone, but my spirits were lifted when I pulled out of the garage to go to daycare and LM said GO! GO! GO!.....just like when the planes took off and landed.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I am a bit late with this post as Mother's Day was yesterday.  However, I did want to take a minute to thank my mother.  She will never read this as she is completely unaware of the wonders of technology.  In fact, she still thinks that when I book her air flights, I am calling the airline for her!  My Mama is getting on in years now having lived more then twice my life.  I hope that I have started to become all that she wanted of me and for me.  I love her and as LM wrote in my card yesterday... "You are the best, and all the other Mommys suck!"